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Campus Expansion Committee.  The Committee is pleased to announce that the church body voted overwhelmingly to move forward with our plans to expand our campus.  The next steps are to order construction documents and to prospect fundraising inside and outside of the church.  Please be prayerful as we proceed during this exciting time.​​


Condolences,  FBC extends deepest condolences to the family of Teloa Swinnea.  Our sister in Christ has gone home.  Although we will miss Teloa, we find comfort knowing that she is rejoicing in the presence of her personal Lord & Savior.​


Sunday Afternoon Bible Study.  Due to meetings and the holidays, we will not meet for our afternoon Sunday Bible Study for the month of January.  We will resume in February. â€‹â€‹â€‹


Now What?  If you have recently put your trust in Christ and received Him as your Savior, you might be asking yoursef what that means?  Or maybe you have questions about trusting Jesus as Lord and Savior.  Sunday Frebruary 9 at 1:00 pm, Pastor Paul will have answers for you.  Lunch will be provided.


Youth Super Bowl Party.  Youth mark your calendar for Sunday, February 9 at 5:00 for the FORT Super Bowl Party.  Food, fun, and fellowship.  All youth are invited and adult vounteers are needed!  Talk to Parker.​


Prayer Requests.  Cara Merrill is our prayer ministry leader.  If you have Cara's contact information, you can reach out to her directly via phone or email to ask for prayer.  You can also contact the church office via email or fill out a prayer request card available in the sanctuary.


Prayer Lunch.  Join us in the Fellowship Hall on Wednesdays at noon as we pray for our church, our community, and our nation.  We welcome all to bring a sack lunch and share your prayer requests, petitions, and praises as a family of believers.


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